how to find rare and legendary pokémon


how to find rare and legendary pokémon

Rare Pokémon are subjective. If you live in an area brimming with Bellsprouts, you might wet your pants at the merest hint of a Zubat, while other players can’t send them to Professor Willow fast enough. If you’re struggling to find them, they’re rare.

Different species of Pokémon are found at different locations. Their appearance is based on time of day, the environment (near water, or grassy areas for example), and according to one Reddit user, areas of high cell usage in the Ingress app – Niantic’s last AR game.

In fact, you can use the Ingress app to zero in on a pokémon’s location. The XM generation in the app (areas of frequent cell activity) seems to be linked to pokémon locations, so if you’re planning a hunting trip, you might want to have both apps on the go to save time and maximise the number of pokémon you’ll catch while out and about. be warned that will drain your battery double-time though.

As well as taking a walk around your local area or popping into your local pub between the hours of noon and midnight to see which pokémon are passing through in a 12 hour cycle, it’s important to use Lure Modules and Incense, which will make a larger variety of pokémon appear. And don’t forget to use Razz Berries if a hard-to-get critter that you’ve had your eye on pops up.

Always make sure you incubate your eggs before you head out. Work on hatching those 5km and 10km eggs as a priority as they’re more likely to hold rare pokémon that aren’t necessarily found in your area.

Keep an eye on the bar in the bottom right corner of your screen as well. The silhouettes indicate the presence of nearby pokémon that you haven’t caught yet, so if you’re familiar with Who’s That Pokémon segment from the 90s, you’ll be well-equipped to spot the rarer ones to track down.

Other than these tips, work on getting your trainer level up. As it increases, so do your chances of finding new pokémon.

There are some trainers out there willing to break the rules by GPS spoofing, but there are safeguards in place to make sure you can’t reap the rewards of cheating and you’ll run the risk of a soft ban, so we’d advise against it.

Where are Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres and Ditto?

The three Legendary Bird pokémon serve as the mascots for Teams Instinct, Mystic, and Valor, and we saw Mewtwo in a trailer for the game, but we’ve had no concrete information on which Legendaries are in the game and how we go about catching them.

NesstendoYT on YouTube has been rummaging around in the game’s files and found Mew, Mewtwo, Articuno, Zapdos, and Moltres in there, as well as Ditto who doesn’t appear to have been spotted out in the wild yet.

Judging by the trailer and the Ingress app’s live events, it’s likely that Legendary pokémon will appear at special events in different countries with the teams competing in a similar way to the Ingress events.

If you haven’t reached level 5 and joined a gym yet, you should probably take each team’s Legendary into account, just in case it affects which one you’ll get later on in the game.

But for now, we’ll have to wait for more updates from Niantic.

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